Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System Training Program (CRELS)


The UC Berkeley Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System Training Program (CRELS) trains doctoral students representing a variety of degree programs and expertise areas in the social sciences, computer science and statistics.

Launched in 2023 with a $3-million grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF), this five-year multidisciplinary training program in data science and social science disciplines fosters a new computational social science research community and leads the integration of research on the social implications of AI. The grant supports Ph.D. students focusing on fundamental, longstanding challenges related to inequality and its connection to criminal justice institutions in the United States. Fellows will be trained for careers at the intersection of the studies of inequality, criminal justice, data science, and the social implications of artificial intelligence (AI) and big data. They will generate new scientific knowledge and develop novel tools for large-scale data integration and analysis.

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Visit the CRELS website for details!

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