BIDS Faculty / Research Affiliation

BIDS Faculty Affiliation Criteria (as of Fall 2023)

BIDS fosters a community that values collaboration and interdisciplinary discovery and learning. Our faculty affiliate represents over 30 UC Berkeley academic departments and colleges, and schools. If you depend on data science to advance research, create knowledge, and/or challenge your students, consider becoming a BIDS Faculty Affiliate.

As a research arm of the new College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), BIDS and its affiliates also benefit from the data-centric initiatives and programs that CDSS leads. In addition, BIDS actively develops new academic and industry partnerships and interdisciplinary research collaborations, which will serve you, your partners, and your students in data science research.


  • BIDS Faculty Affiliates are usually tenured, tenure-track, and adjunct faculty from UC Berkeley.

  • To be considered for such affiliation, we request the following:

  1. Describe your experience developing and/or using data science tools as well as your ongoing interest in the broader data science field,

  2. Provide your CV and a link to your campus/professional website, and

  3. Address how you will fulfill your Faculty Affiliate role as described below.


BIDS Faculty Affiliates participate in our seminars and workshops, fundraising, and strategic planning. BIDS Faculty Affiliates contribute to the programming and operational activities of the Institute in a variety of ways:

  • Develop grant proposals to federal agencies like the NIH and the NSF, state agencies, and private foundations.

  • Include BIDS research staff as co-PIs, or as senior personnel, for projects that leverage expertise, program infrastructure, and the BIDS community at large.

  • Mentor graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and staff researchers participating in diverse research, training, and fellowship programs.

  • Participate and lead BIDS-sponsored data science events.

  • Serve as speakers and panelists at BIDS lectures, seminars, and other programs.

For more information, please contact sends e-mail).

BIDS Research Affiliation Criteria (as of Fall 2023)

BIDS fosters a community that values collaboration and interdisciplinary discovery and learning. Our affiliates come from other UC campuses, national labs, government, and industry. If you depend on data science to advance research, create knowledge, and/or challenge your students, consider becoming a BIDS Research Affiliate

As a research arm of the new College of Computing, Data Science, and Society (CDSS), BIDS and its affiliates also benefit from the data-centric initiatives and programs that CDSS leads. In addition, BIDS actively develops new academic and industry partnerships and interdisciplinary research collaborations, which will serve you, your partners, and your students in data science research.


  • BIDS Research Affiliates usually come from other UC campuses, national labs (i.e Berkeley, Livermore), government (i.e. state, federal), and industry.

  • To be considered for such affiliation, we request the following:

  1. Describe your experience developing and/or using data science tools as well as your ongoing interest in the broader data science field,

  2. Provide your CV and a link to your campus/professional website, and

  3. Address how you will fulfill your Research Affiliate role as described below.


BIDS Research Affiliates participate in our seminars and workshops, fundraising, and strategic planning. BIDS Research Affiliates contribute to the programming and operational activities of the Institute in a variety of ways:

  • Develop grant proposals to federal agencies like the NIH and the NSF, state agencies, and private foundations.

  • Include BIDS research staff as co-PIs, or as senior personnel, for projects that leverage expertise, program infrastructure, and the BIDS community at large.

  • Mentor graduate students, postdoctoral scholars, and staff researchers participating in diverse research, training, and fellowship programs.

  • Participate and lead BIDS-sponsored data science events.

  • Serve as speakers and panelists at BIDS lectures, seminars, and other programs.

For more information, please contact sends e-mail).