GraphXD – Graph Analysis Across Domains

BIDS GraphXD – Graph Analysis Across Domains is a cross-domain initiative that promotes interdisciplinary collaboration and training for researchers, scientists, and theorists interested in using graphs and network analysis for applications in a variety of fields across STEAM including (but not limited to) anthropology, art, biology, computer science, economics, history, linguistics, mathematics, physics, and sociology.  

Graphs and networks are models of data – usually composed of nodes and vertices connected by edges – that can be used to analyze and to visualize different features and variables across a dataset, providing powerful at-a-glance summaries (or ‘signals’) of big and/or complex datasets. Network analysis allows each datapoint (or ‘node’) to contain an infinite number of features and variables for a given dataset. These features – such as strings, integers, boleans, and decimals, floats, doubles, etc. – can contain specialized data, and the graph database structure of a network allows for each datapoint/node to be connected to any other datapoint based on a measurable relation between them (‘edges’ or ‘links’).  

All interested researchers are welcome to learn more about graphs, networks and BIDS’ 2021 relaunch of the GraphXD initiative in this introductory article, view previous seminars and conferences on the GraphXD YouTube Channelsign up for the BIDS Mailing List to receive announcements about upcoming events and programs related to the BIDS XD initiatives, and sign up for the BIDS XD Community on Discord to get more involved in the new BIDS XD community online. All events and resources are open access to the broader community.