The Center for Recognition and Inspection of Cells (CRIC) uses massive databases of Pap smear images for the analysis and pre-screening of cervical cells. Our team is dedicated to research and development of software tools and organized cell image catalogues through automated cell morphometry and recognition using machine learning. Recent work shows advancements on cervical cell analysis of images from SUS (Brazilian Universal Health System), and human brain tissue and cells from Memory and Aging Center at UCSF. Together, we have built analytical and data-driven models using image collections and metadata provided by our collaborators.
The CRIC Cervix Collection: A new, open-source, searchable image database for predictive modeling and diagnosis
June 16, 2021 | BIDS News
CRIC searchable image database as a public platform for conventional pap smear cytology data
June 10, 2021 | Nature Scientific Data
A Hierarchical Feature-Based Methodology to Perform Cervical Cancer Classification
April 30, 2021 | MDPI Applied Sciences