
The CLEAN initiative was launched by a consortium that includes the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS), National Association of Criminal Defense Lawyers (NACDL), the California Reporting Project, Stanford University’s Big Local News and groups across Berkeley.


David Barstow
Saul Perlmutter
Cheryl Phillips
Lisa Monet Wayne

Additional Faculty and Research Affiliates

Rediet Abebe
Henry E Brady
S. E. Chasins
Erwin Chemerinsky
Jack Glaser
Langston Glaude
David James Harding
Joseph M Hellerstein
Nikki Jones
Erin Michelle Turner Kerrison
Johanna Lacoe
Deborah A Nolan
Steven P Raphael
Philip B Stark
Rebecca E Wexler


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Amid investigation, Antioch police refuse to release use of force records, including a controversial neck hold that has since been widely banned
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