Jose Aguilar

Job title: 
Berkeley Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System Fellow
Graduate School of Education, UC Berkeley

Jose is a doctoral student in the Policy, Politics, and Leadership program at UC Berkeley’s School of Education. His research interests include using computational social science methods to understand the factors influencing the aspirations of men of color in higher education, the access and equity in higher education for first-generation and traditionally underrepresented students, and students’ career pathways within educational contexts. Before this, Jose was a Computer Science & Math Teacher in Los Angeles, providing differentiated instruction for diverse students. Additionally, he has contributed to advocacy organizations such as Education Trust West (ETW), The Campaign for College Opportunity, and the Lumina Foundation, where he provided support in policy analysis and data analytics. Born out of his personal experiences as a first-generation college student and a keen observer of the challenges faced by underrepresented communities, Jose has dedicated his career to dismantling the barriers that hinder the educational aspirations of Latino students.