Tristan works with a diverse group of journalists, civil rights activists, criminal defense attorneys, and researchers of machine learning and AI technologies to collaborate on a shared data platform of police misconduct records.
Lilli Wessling Hart is a business operations and communications professional with over 25 years of experience. Before joining BIDS, she was a founding employee of a media technology company where she led meaningful experiences for international customers, business partners, students, and staff. She received her BA from University of Michigan.
Ayyub Ibrahim is a data scientist and a member of the Berkeley Institute for Data Science's CLEAN police project, where he uses AI and machine learning to process unstructured data. Ayyub joins BIDS from the Innocence Project New Orleans, where as the Director of Research he built ML tools for community organizations, innocence organizations, and public defender offices. Ayyub is also the founder of Machine Learning Justice Lab, a startup that develops AI tools for legal and human rights defense communities.
Since 2018, Galen Mancino has contributed to and helped maintain the open-source knowledge-graph geospatial software known as the Arches Project. He is strongly interested in the intersection of Law, Government, and Technology and how we can collectively maintain and expand our digital commons in service of the non-digital commons.
Executive Director, Computational Research for Equity in Legal Systems (CRELS)
Dr. Harpreet Mangat is Executive Director of Berkeley Interdisciplinary Migration Initiative (BIMI) at the University of California, Berkeley. She has held various leadership positions on campus at the Goldman School of Public Policy, the Institute for Research on Labor and Employment, and the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues. She was also a Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholar at Cal. Prior to coming to the United States, Harpreet was a professor in the department of Political Science at Guru Nanak Dev University in Amritsar,...
Executive Director, Berkeley's Open Source Program Office (OSPO); Senior Open Source Scientific Python Developer
Jarrod Millman is a Senior Open Source Scientific Python Developer at BIDS and the Executive Director for Berkeley's Open Source Program Office (OSPO). With a background in computer science, mathematics, and statistics, and degrees from Cornell and Berkeley, Millman is a founding member of the scientific Python ecosystem. His primary focus is on developing and sustaining open-source, community-owned scientific software tools. Millman serves on the steering council of NetworkX...
Tarak Shah is a data scientist and member of the Human Rights Data Analysis Group (HRDAG), where he leads HRDAG's U.S. collaborations. He has experience working with community organizations, lawyers, journalists, international human rights institutions, and transitional justice mechanisms to support campaigns for accountability. He brings that experience to the CLEAN police records project, where he manages an interdisciplinary effort to build a statewide database of police use-of-force and misconduct.
Research Training Lead, Berkeley Computational Social Science Training Program
Urban Displacement Project, UC Berkeley
Tim Thomas is a professional researcher and research director at Berkeley’s Urban Displacement Project (UDP) specializing in urban sociology, demography, and data science. His research focuses on how neighborhood change, housing disparities, policies, and displacement affects household socioeconomic stratification and mobility by race and gender in the United States. His research at the UDP centers on developing open-source tools to measure displacement and gentrification as well as a national housing precarity risk model...
Stéfan van der Walt is a researcher at BIDS. He is the founder of scikit-image and co-author of Elegant SciPy, and has been developing scientific open source software for two decades, focusing mainly on Python packages such as NumPy & SciPy.