
Peter Nugent

BIDS Research Affiliate
Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, LBNL; Astronomy, UC Berkeley
Senior Scientist and Division Deputy for Science Engagement, Applied Mathematics and Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Adjunct Professor, Astronomy, UC Berkeley

Peter Nugent co-founded the Computational Cosmology Center and became their first group leader. He was promoted to senior staff scientist at LBNL in 2010 and the same year joined the faculty in the Astronomy Department at UC Berkeley. In 2014, he became the division deputy for scientific engagement in the Computational Research Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. ...

Simon Roux

BIDS Research Affiliate
DOE Joint Genome Institute, LBNL
Research Scientist, DOE Joint Genome Institute, LBNL

At the DOE Joint Genome Institute, Simon Roux leads the Viral Genomics group, which explores viruses of microbes and their impacts on ecosystems using (mostly) fancy ‘omics tools. Current projects include the study of viral diversity and virus: host interactions in soil and freshwater environments, along with the development of new bioinformatics tools and experimental protocols to probe and characterize uncultivated viruses. Roux's group also assist users of the JGI Metagenome Program with their analysis, including identification of...

Benjamin Nachman

BIDS Research Affiliate
Physics, LBNL
Staff Scientist, Physics Division, LBNL

Benjamin Nachman is the group leader of the cross-cutting Machine Learning for Fundamental Physics group. Nachman develops, adapts, and deploys machine learning algorithms to enhance data analysis in high energy physics. He is a member of the ATLAS Collaboration at CERN.


Website, ...

Charuleka Varadharajan

BIDS Research Affiliate
Earth and Environmental Sciences, Earth AI & Data, LBNL
Research Scientist, Energy Geosciences Division, Earth and Environmental Sciences Area, LBNL Research Lead, Earth AI & Data Program, LBNL

Charuleka Varadharajan is interested in studying the nexus of carbon, water, and energy with a focus on understanding and limiting the impacts of human activities on water quality and climate. Her research involves the monitoring and mitigation of contaminants in water resources; the measurement and prediction of carbon fluxes in terrestrial and subsurface environments; and the management, synthesis, and analysis of diverse multi-...

Neil Davies

BIDS Research Affiliate
Gump South Pacific Research Station, UC Berkeley
Executive Director, Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station

Neil Davies' research at BIDS focuses on sustainability science and how biodiversity genomics can contribute to a computational model of place - including the ‘datafication’ of whole social-ecological systems from genomes to society. To that end, he is lead PI of the Moorea Biocode Project, chair of the Genomic Observatories Network, and co-founder of the...

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh

BIDS Research Affiliate
DOE Joint Genome Institute, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, LBNL
Metagenome Program Head, DOE Joint Genome Institute Staff Scientist, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, LBNL

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh is a Staff Scientist at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and heads the Metagenome Program. Her research focuses on leveraging genome-resolved metagenomic approaches to identify and characterize genomic information from uncultivated microbes and viruses.



Chris Mungall

BIDS Research Affiliate
Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology, LBNL
Staff Scientist and Head of the Biosystems Data Science Department, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

Chris Mungall research focuses on combining knowledge-based methods and AI to investigate molecular mechanisms underpinning the health of humans and the health of the planet. He is a PI on the Gene Ontology (GO) project, and the Monarch Initiative, and metadata lead for the...

Eoin Brodie

BIDS Research Affiliate
Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division, LBNL
Deputy Director, Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division, LBNL

Eoin Brodie is a microbiologist and biogeochemist who works from molecular to ecosystem scales. He uses technologies to reverse-engineer complex microbiomes in natural and managed ecosystems.


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Philip B. Stark

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Statistics, UC Berkeley
Distinguished Professor of Statistics, UC Berkeley Co-I for Moore/Sloan Data Science Environments

Philip B. Stark's research centers on inference (inverse) problems and uncertainty quantification, especially confidence procedures tailored for specific goals. Applications include causal inference, the U.S. Census, climate modeling, cosmology, earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis, election auditing, endangered species, epidemiology, evaluating and improving teaching and educational technology, food web models, health effects of sodium, the geomagnetic field, geriatric hearing...

Bin Yu

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Statistics, EECS, Center for Computational Biology, UC Berkeley
Professor and Second Chair, Departments of Statistics and EECS, UC Berkeley Principal Investigator, Center for Computational Biology, UC Berkeley Weill Neurohub Investigator, UC Berkeley / UCSF/ UW

Bin Yu is engaged in interdisciplinary research with scientists from genomics, neuroscience, and medicine. In order to solve data problems in these domain areas, her group employs quantitative critical thinking and develops statistical and machine learning algorithms and theory.

