Luyi Jian

Job title: 
Berkeley Computational Research for Equity in the Legal System Fellow
Social Welfare, UC Berkeley

Luyi Jian is currently a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare. Her research is
situated within the juvenile and criminal legal systems, focusing on intervention strategies at
the individual level and policy evaluation at the systemic level. Her dissertation explores a
strength-based, innovative intervention that aims to translate the largely abstract Positive
Youth Justice paradigm into real application. Specifically, she explores the extent to which
justice-involved youth develop a prosocial identity or sense of self, and tests the conditions
under which prosocial identity can flourish and protect young people from reoffending. Luyi
holds degrees in Social Work (MSW) from Washington University in St. Louis, Criminal
Psychology (MS) from People’s Public Security University of China, and Economics (BE) from
Tongji University. Before returning to academia, Luyi served as a police officer in Shanghai.


Google Scholar, Dissertation Project
