Archived Research

Projects that have been completed.

Situational awareness dashboards for primary care clinicians

BIDS Health and Life Sciences Lead Maryam Vareth offers this project (#4) through UC Berkeley's Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP).

Situational awareness for primary care physicians plays an important role in providing proactive care for patients with complex health conditions. Many factors may impede physician’s situational awareness, particularly...

Demo Watch Government Archives

BIDS Director Saul Perlmutter and BIDS Alum Nick Adams offer this project (#4) through UC Berkeley's Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (URAP).

DemoWatch is a project identifying...

Moorea Biocode Project, Gump Station

BIDS Faculty Affiliate Neil Davies leads the Moorea Biocode Project, which built the first comprehensive inventory of all non-microbial life in a complex tropical ecosystem. Supported by a grant from the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, the Moorea Biocode Project sent researchers climbing up jagged peaks, trekking through lush forests and diving down to coral reefs to sample the French...

Center for Recognition and Inspection of Cells (CRIC)

The Center for Recognition and Inspection of Cells (CRIC) uses massive databases of Pap smear images for the analysis and pre-screening of cervical cells. Our team is dedicated to research and development of software tools and organized cell image catalogues through automated cell morphometry and recognition using machine learning. Recent work shows advancements on cervical cell analysis of images from SUS (Brazilian Universal Health System), and human brain tissue and cells from Memory and Aging...