
Fatma Deniz

Alumni Council
Former BIDS Data Science Fellow

Fatma Deniz is interested in how sensory information is encoded in the brain and uses machine learning approaches to fit computational models to large-scale brain data acquired using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). Fatma works at the intersection between computer science, linguistics, music, and neuroscience. Her current focus is on the cross-modal representation of language in the human brain.

Saron Goitom

Berkeley Computational Social Science Fellow
Epidemiology, Public Health, UC Berkeley

Saron Goitom is a PhD student in the Department of Epidemiology at UC Berkeley's School of Public Health. Her current research interests include contextualizing the way in which stressful life events during pregnancy influence their children's internalizing behaviors in early childhood, by examining the influence of larger structural factors like poverty, trauma, racism and discrimination. In her previous work as a programmer analyst, she was involved in evaluating the effectiveness of safety-net programs in reducing acute care utilization and increasing long-term linkage to primary care,...

Qing Zhu

BIDS Research Affiliate
Climate & Ecosystem Sciences, LBNL
Research Scientist, Climate & Ecosystem Sciences, LBNL

Qing Zhu is the major developer of the US Department Of Energy's (DOE) new generation earth system model E3SM, responsible for the land carbon-nitrogen-phosphorus cycles, and he also serves as a core member in the coupled BGC experiment team. Zhu’s current research activities focus on the complex biogeophysical and biogeochemical interactions among the atmosphere, vegetation, soil, and climate system.



Stella Yu

BIDS Research Affiliate
Director, ICSI Vision Group, UC Berkeley

Stella Yu is interested in understanding visual perception from multiple perspectives: human vision, computer vision, robotic vision, and artistic vision.



Rebecca Wexler

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Berkeley Law School, Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley
Assistant Professor of Law, Berkeley School of Law Faculty Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology Faculty Steering Committee Member; Kavli Center for Ethics, Science, and the Public; UC Berkeley

Rebecca Wexler teaches, researches, and writes on issues concerning data, technology, and criminal justice. Her work has focused on evidence law, criminal procedure, privacy, and intellectual property protections surrounding new data-driven criminal justice technologies.



Nicholas Swanson-Hysell

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley
Assistant Professor, Earth and Planetary Science, UC Berkeley

Nicholas Swanson-Hysell's research is focused on integrating original geological field observations with laboratory datasets in order to further understanding of global change through time. Projects in his research group focus on developing data from sequences of volcanic and sedimentary rocks in order to understand the past positions of the continents, the evolution of Earth's magnetic field, and large changes in climate.



James Sethian

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Mathematics, UC Berkeley and LBNL
Professor, Mathematics, UC Berkeley Head, Mathematics Group, LBNL Director, Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA), LBNL Co-I for Moore/Sloan Data Science Environments

James Sethian's work is in computational physics, with particular emphasis on moving interface problems in fluid mechanics and materials science. Applications of the work of Sethian and his collaborators include computational models for combustion, fluid mixing, grain metal evolution, image processing, semiconductor manufacturing, industrial ink jet printing, materials informatics, tumor...

Uroš Seljak

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Physics, Astronomy, UC Berkeley and LBNL; Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics
Professor, Physics, University of California, Berkeley Professor, Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics

Uroš Seljak's research is in cosmology, where he combines theoretical, numerical, and data analysis methods to investigate the universe properties using cosmological observations, from cosmic microwave background to present day galaxy and dark matter distributions. His recent work combines statistics, numerical optimization, and N-body simulation methods to analyze...

Pamela Samuelson

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Berkeley Law School, Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley
Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law, Berkeley Law School Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley

Pamela Samuelson teaches copyright law and a course on regulating internet platforms. She teaches and writes extensively about challenges that digital technologies pose for legal regimes, particularly intellectual property laws, and about how existing laws can be adapted to meet those challenges.



Alison E. Post

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Political Science, Global Metropolitan Studies, UC Berkeley
Associate Professor, Political Science and Global Metropolitan Studies, UC Berkeley

Alison E. Post's research lies at the intersection of comparative urban politics and comparative political economy, with regional emphases on Latin America and South Asia. It examines several related themes: regulation and business-government relations, decentralization, and the politics of urban policy more broadly.


Website, Research Gate,...