
This Month at BIDS - August 2024

August 23, 2024

Read our August newsletter now! To stay up to date on upcoming news and events at BIDS, check out our events calendar, sign up for our newsletter, and follow us (X...

Director's Vision 2024

BIDS: a space for Open Scholarship, Open Source, and interdisciplinary collaboration on AI in science and society

April 15, 2024

Dear Berkeley Community,

I started as Faculty Director of the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) in January 2024; today I would like to share some ideas I have for how BIDS can be a partner to your work. In the coming weeks the Associate Faculty Director, Professor Tim Tangherlini, will...

News & Events

BIDS events are the foundation of the community, where people gather and share. Read reports on those events and other relevant items of interest to the data science community.

The institute hosts and co-hosts data science and AI events on campus throughout the academic year. It partners with UC Berkeley departments, centers & institutes, other universities, and industry to contribute to the vibrant community. BIDS community members are active in their disciplines, receiving awards, publishing work, and attending conferences.

UC Berkeley’s OSPO Executive Director Joins Global Leaders at a UN Symposium

August 26, 2024

In April 2024, the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS) proudly established UC Berkeley’s Open Source Program Office (OSPO), under the leadership of Executive Director Jarrod Millman. Last month, Millman, along with colleagues from the UC OSPO network, represented the university at the second annual "OSPOs For Good" event, hosted at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.


The Center for Cultural Analytics Spring Lecture featured Professor Tina Eliassi-Rad

March 18, 2024

On March 7, 2024, the Center for Cultural Analytics hosted its Spring lecture event. BIDS Associate Faculty Director Tim Tangherlini welcomed Tina Eliassi-Rad, a professor of Computer Science at Northeastern University, to UC Berkeley.


UC Berkeley announces new NIH-funded Computational Social Science Training Program

April 23, 2020

UC Berkeley is launching a new Computational Social Science Training Program (CSSTP) to train predoctoral students with advanced computational and data science analytics skills to address pressing needs in biomedical, behavioral, social, and clinical research.

A five-year, $1.2 million grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Behavioral and Social Sciences (OBSSR) and its partner institute, the Eunice Kennedy Shriver...

Image XD - 2023

April 6, 2023

Researchers from across domains (XD) that use imaging data participated in ImageXD 2023. The two day workshop brought together imaging experts from diverse fields such as medical, biodiversity, machine learning, and software development. Each day had a blend of talks in the morning with "unconference" breakout working groups that were decided daily based on overlapping interests and questions...

GraphXD: Network analysis for data science applications across STEAM

February 26, 2021

Graphs are models of data, and are used to analyze and visualize different features / variables across a dataset. They have proven to be useful in providing at-a-glance summaries (e.g. ‘signals’) of big and complex datasets. Typically a Euclidean graph (with X and Y axes, representing one dimension each) can only view two dimensions of a given dataset. In order to view multiple dimensions in the same graph, one needs to employ non-Euclidean methods, and this is why networks are so useful.

Network analysis allows each datapoint (i.e. ‘node’) to contain an infinite number of features...

Exploring Veridical Data Science: Recordings from the Berkeley-Stanford Workshop

August 12, 2024

A community dedicated to truthful, reliable data analysis and decision-making gathered together on May 31, 2024, for a one-day workshop that showcased veridical (truthful) data science (VDS). The Inaugural Berkeley-Stanford Workshop on Veridical Data Science was jointly hosted by the Berkeley Institute for Data Science (BIDS), the Stanford Data Science Center for Open and REproducible Science (SDS-CORES), and the UC Berkeley Department of Statistics. It featured four keynotes, ten invited speakers, and five...

Cody Markelz presents his work "Data Landscapes: Visual Storytelling of California’s Fiery and Frosty Extremes"

June 7, 2024

On May 14, BIDS-Accenture fellow Cody Markelz presented his work “Data Landscapes: Visual Storytelling of California’s Fiery and Frosty Extremes”. His presentation skillfully combined research, data visualization, storytelling, and a sense of adventure, focusing on two main projects:

The “Pyroscapes” Zine series, where Cody observed and collected fire data from the ground level of the Klamath mountain range and compared it to satellite data and model outputs. A tool that aids...