Research Affiliates

Wes Bethel

BIDS Research Affiliate
Scientific Data Division, LBNL
Senior Scientist, Scientific Data Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory

E. Wes Bethel conducts basic and applied research and development on techniques and tools for enabling scientific knowledge discovery in some of the world's largest collections of scientific data generated by computational models, simulations, and experiments.



Kristofer Bouchard

BIDS Research Affiliate
Computational Biosciences, Biological Systems & Engineering, LBNL; Neuroscience, UC Berkeley
Staff Scientist & Acting Group Lead, Computational Biosciences, LBNL PI, Neural Systems and Data Science Lab, Biological Systems & Engineering Division, LBNL Assistant Adjunct Professor, Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute & Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience, UC Berkeley

Kristofer Bouchard is the PI of the Neural Systems and Data Science Lab at LBNL/UCB, an interdisciplinary team that focuses on understanding how distributed neural circuits gives rise to coordinated behaviors and perception. They take a two-...

Andrew Bray

BIDS Research Affiliate
Statistics, UC Berkeley
Assistant Teaching Professor, Statistics, UC Berkeley

Andrew Bray develops and teaches courses in statistics and data science. His research interests include statistical computing, data privacy, and applications of statistical models to environmental science.


Website, GitHub, ORCID

Eoin Brodie

BIDS Research Affiliate
Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division, LBNL
Deputy Director, Climate & Ecosystem Sciences Division, LBNL

Eoin Brodie is a microbiologist and biogeochemist who works from molecular to ecosystem scales. He uses technologies to reverse-engineer complex microbiomes in natural and managed ecosystems.


Website, Twitter, Google Scholar,...

Iain Carmichael

BIDS Research Affiliate
Pathology and Data Science, UNC-Chapel Hill and UCSF

Assistant Professor of Pathology and Data Science at UNC-Chapel Hill

Visiting Assistant Professor of Pathology at UCSF

Iain is an Assistant Professor of Pathology and Data Science at UNC-Chapel Hill working in computational Pathology and open-source software. He previously held a visiting faculty position in the Department of Statistics at UC Berkeley. His lab builds data driven, computational systems to analyze high-resolution histology images of diseased tissue as well as other clinical data sources such as genetic testing and electronic health records.


Igor Chirikov

BIDS Research Affiliate
Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley
Senior Researcher and Director, Student Experience in the Research University (SERU) Consortium and the Center for Studies in Higher Education, Goldman School of Public Policy, UC Berkeley

Igor Chirikov's current research involves student experience and learning outcomes, the use of technology in universities and international comparative higher education. He has experience in designing and implementing large-scale international research projects in higher education, including randomized controlled trials.



John Chodacki

BIDS Research Affiliate
Director, University of California Curation Center (UC3) at the California Digital Library (CDL), UCOP

John Chodacki is Director of the University of California Curation Center (UC3) at California Digital Library (CDL). As UC3 Director, John works across the UC campuses and the broader community to ensure that CDL’s digital curation services meet the emerging needs of the scholarly community – including digital preservation, persistent identifiers, data management, and data publishing. Prior to CDL, John oversaw product development activities at O’Reilly Media, VIZ Media, Zinio, Creative...

Neil Davies

BIDS Research Affiliate
Gump South Pacific Research Station, UC Berkeley
Executive Director, Richard B. Gump South Pacific Research Station

Neil Davies' research at BIDS focuses on sustainability science and how biodiversity genomics can contribute to a computational model of place - including the ‘datafication’ of whole social-ecological systems from genomes to society. To that end, he is lead PI of the Moorea Biocode Project, chair of the Genomic Observatories Network, and co-founder of the...

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh

BIDS Research Affiliate
DOE Joint Genome Institute, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, LBNL
Metagenome Program Head, DOE Joint Genome Institute Staff Scientist, Environmental Genomics and Systems Biology Division, LBNL

Emiley Eloe-Fadrosh is a Staff Scientist at the DOE Joint Genome Institute and heads the Metagenome Program. Her research focuses on leveraging genome-resolved metagenomic approaches to identify and characterize genomic information from uncultivated microbes and viruses.



Anubhav Jain

BIDS Research Affiliate
Energy Technologies Area, LBNL
Staff Scientist, Energy Storage & Distributed Resources, LBNL

Anubhav Jain leads a research group studying new materials design using a mix of theory, computing, and artificial intelligence. Jain develops, evaluates, and applies models for predicting materials properties to applications such as electrocatalysis, thermoelectrics, solar photovoltaics, energy storage, and more. He is involved in robotic synthesis of new materials at LBNL's "A-lab", is the Associate Director of LBNL's Materials Project initiative, and is...