UCB Faculty Affiliates

Alison E. Post

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Political Science, Global Metropolitan Studies, UC Berkeley
Associate Professor, Political Science and Global Metropolitan Studies, UC Berkeley

Alison E. Post's research lies at the intersection of comparative urban politics and comparative political economy, with regional emphases on Latin America and South Asia. It examines several related themes: regulation and business-government relations, decentralization, and the politics of urban policy more broadly.


Website, Research Gate,...

Linda Haverty Rugg

BIDS Faculty Council Member
Scandinavian, UC Berkeley
Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, UC Berkeley Professor, Department of Scandinavian, UC Berkeley CONNECT:

Facebook, LinkedIn, and Google Scholar

Pamela Samuelson

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Berkeley Law School, Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley
Richard M. Sherman Distinguished Professor of Law, Berkeley Law School Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Law & Technology, UC Berkeley

Pamela Samuelson teaches copyright law and a course on regulating internet platforms. She teaches and writes extensively about challenges that digital technologies pose for legal regimes, particularly intellectual property laws, and about how existing laws can be adapted to meet those challenges.



Jasjeet Sekhon

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Political Science and Statistics, UC Berkeley
Professor, Political Science and Statistics, UC Berkeley Co-PI for Moore/Sloan Data Science Environments

Jasjeet S. Sekhon's research focuses on methods for causal inference in observational and experimental studies and evaluating social science, public health and medical interventions. Professor Sekhon has done research on elections, voting behavior and public opinion in the United States, multivariate matching methods for causal inference, machine learning algorithms for irregular optimization problems, robust estimators with bounded influence functions, health economic cost...

Uroš Seljak

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Physics, Astronomy, UC Berkeley and LBNL; Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics
Professor, Physics, University of California, Berkeley Professor, Astronomy, University of California, Berkeley Senior Scientist, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory Co-Director, Berkeley Center for Cosmological Physics

Uroš Seljak's research is in cosmology, where he combines theoretical, numerical, and data analysis methods to investigate the universe properties using cosmological observations, from cosmic microwave background to present day galaxy and dark matter distributions. His recent work combines statistics, numerical optimization, and N-body simulation methods to analyze...

James Sethian

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Mathematics, UC Berkeley and LBNL
Professor, Mathematics, UC Berkeley Head, Mathematics Group, LBNL Director, Center for Advanced Mathematics for Energy Research Applications (CAMERA), LBNL Co-I for Moore/Sloan Data Science Environments

James Sethian's work is in computational physics, with particular emphasis on moving interface problems in fluid mechanics and materials science. Applications of the work of Sethian and his collaborators include computational models for combustion, fluid mixing, grain metal evolution, image processing, semiconductor manufacturing, industrial ink jet printing, materials informatics, tumor...

Rachel Slaybaugh

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley
Assistant Professor, Nuclear Engineering, UC Berkeley

Rachel Slaybaugh researches computational methods applied to nuclear reactors, nuclear non-proliferation and security, and shielding. Dr. Slaybaugh is developing programs to train and inspire the next generation to innovate in clean energy, including the Nuclear Innovation Bootcamp, and also focuses on improving transparency and reproducibility in computational science and scientific publication.



Somayeh Sojoudi

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, UC Berkeley

Somayeh Sojoudi works on interdisciplinary problems in optimization theory, control theory, machine learning, and power systems.



Sameer B. Srivastava

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Haas School of Business, Sociology, Computational Culture Lab, Berkeley Culture Initiative, UC Berkeley
Associate Professor, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley Harold Furst Chair in Management Philosophy and Values, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley Ewald T. Grether Chair in Business Administration and Public Policy, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley Co-Director, Computational Culture Lab, UC Berkeley Co-Director, Berkeley Culture Initiative, Haas School of Business, UC Berkeley

Sameer B. Srivastava's research unpacks the complex interrelationships among the culture of social groups, the cognition of individuals within these groups, and the connections...

Philip B. Stark

BIDS Faculty Affiliate
Statistics, UC Berkeley
Distinguished Professor of Statistics, UC Berkeley Co-I for Moore/Sloan Data Science Environments

Philip B. Stark's research centers on inference (inverse) problems and uncertainty quantification, especially confidence procedures tailored for specific goals. Applications include causal inference, the U.S. Census, climate modeling, cosmology, earthquake prediction and seismic hazard analysis, election auditing, endangered species, epidemiology, evaluating and improving teaching and educational technology, food web models, health effects of sodium, the geomagnetic field, geriatric hearing...